As we write this article, and after all that anyone in our industry works for, the world is still dependent on fossil fuels, it’s common, it is readily available and most feel it is cheap to create. So why is solar important? Since the usage of fossil fuels is the main cause of the greenhouse effect as well as global warming, there is an undeniable need to use alternative energy sources to generate electricity, such as solar power. total benefits of going solar far outweigh just one problem or one solution. We would like you to hear what we here at Solar Electric Texas think, and what we have to say.
Solar Is Good for the Environment
Easy enough right…not everyone believes so. Going solar, would mean reducing the usage of about 5,235 pounds of coal for the same energy created. According to MIT, the environmental impact from solar energy is also very low. First of all, it is considered the greenest and cleanest energy, because neither generation or consumption of it crates any carbon dioxide or other exhaust gases. This means that solar energy is in no way responsible for global warming or the greenhouse effect, which are two of the biggest environmental concerns right now. Second of all, solar energy is also considered much safer to humans and the environment, because it is lot easier to make and transport, without causing any natural disasters. Oil transportation can cause spillages from tankers, coal mining can lead to landslides in mines and oil drilling is prone to fires on drilling rings. But the only thing the mining of solar energy can cause is a bit of CO2 emission during the transportation of the solar panels. So solar power is still far less dangerous to the environment. Beside the positive impacts of solar energy on the environment and our life quality far outweigh the negative, making solar power the best alternative energy option.